Source code for pdat.pypsrfits

#! /usr/bin/env python

# Simple code to read search-mode PSRFITS data arrays into python
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division,
                    print_function, unicode_literals)
import fitsio
import numpy

[docs]class PyPSRFITS: """ A version of Paul Demorest's pypsrfits routines added into the Pulsar Data Toolbox framework for ease of installation and documenting. I have replaced PSRFITS with PyPSRFITS to avoid confusion between this and the psrfits class, which is more generic. See for more details. P. Demorest, Nov 2013 --------------------- This is a very simple python module for reading search-mode PSRFITS data into python. It requires the fitsio python module (and numpy of course). Example usage: # Import the module, open a file import pypsrfits f = pdat.PyPSRFITS('my_file.fits') # A full fitsio object for the file is available: f.fits # The main header and SUBINT header are also accessible: f.hdr f.subhdr # Read all data from row 13 d = f.get_data(13) # Read all data in entire file, downsampling in time by # a factor of 256 d = f.get_data(0,-1,downsamp=256) """ def __init__(self, fname=None): self.fits = None if fname != None:
[docs] def open(self,fname): """Open the specified PSRFITS file. A fitsio object is created and stored as self.fits. For convenience, the main header is stored as self.hdr, and the SUBINT header as self.subhdr.""" self.fits = fitsio.FITS(fname,'r') self.hdr = self.fits[0].read_header() self.subhdr = self.fits['SUBINT'].read_header()
[docs] def get_freqs(self,row=0): """Return the frequency array from the specified subint.""" return self.fits['SUBINT']['DAT_FREQ'][row]
[docs] def get_data(self, start_row=0, end_row=None, downsamp=1, fdownsamp=1, apply_scales=True, get_ft=False,squeeze=False): """Read the data from the specified rows and return it as a single array. Dimensions are [time, poln, chan]. options: start_row: first subint read (0-based index) end_row: final subint to read. None implies end_row=start_row. Negative values imply offset from the end, i.e. get_data(0,-1) would read the entire file. (Don't forget that PSRFITS files are often huge so this might be a bad idea). downsamp: downsample the data in time as they are being read in. The downsample factor should evenly divide the number of spectra per row. downsamp=0 means integrate each row completely. fdownsamp: downsample the data in freq as they are being read in. The downsample factor should evenly divide the number of channels. apply_scales: set to False to avoid applying the scale/offset data stored in the file. get_ft: if True return time and freq arrays as well. squeeze: if True, "squeeze" the data array (remove len-1 dimensions). Notes: - Only 8, 16, and 32 bit data are currently understood """ if self.hdr['OBS_MODE'].strip() != 'SEARCH': raise RuntimeError("get_data() only works on SEARCH-mode PSRFITS") nsblk = self.subhdr['NSBLK'] npol = self.subhdr['NPOL'] nchan = self.subhdr['NCHAN'] nbit = self.subhdr['NBITS'] tbin = self.subhdr['TBIN'] poltype = self.subhdr['POL_TYPE'] nrows_file = self.subhdr['NAXIS2'] if downsamp == 0: downsamp = nsblk if downsamp > nsblk: downsamp = nsblk if fdownsamp == 0: downsamp = nchan if fdownsamp > nchan: fdownsamp = nchan if end_row==None: end_row = start_row if end_row<0: end_row = nrows_file + end_row if nsblk % downsamp > 0: print("Warning: downsamp does not evenly divide NSBLK.") if nchan % fdownsamp > 0: print("Warning: fdownsamp does not evenly divide NCHAN.") nrows_tot = end_row - start_row + 1 nsblk_ds = nsblk / downsamp nchan_ds = nchan / fdownsamp tbin_ds = tbin * downsamp # Data types of the signed and unsigned if nbit==8: s_t = numpy.int8 u_t = numpy.uint8 elif nbit==16: s_t = numpy.int16 u_t = numpy.uint16 elif nbit==32: s_t = numpy.float32 u_t = numpy.float32 else: raise RuntimeError("Unhandled number of bits (%d)" % nbit) # allocate the result array sampresult = numpy.zeros(nchan, dtype=numpy.float32) result = numpy.zeros((nrows_tot * nsblk_ds, npol, nchan_ds), dtype=numpy.float32) if get_ft: freqs = numpy.zeros(nchan_ds) times = numpy.zeros(nrows_tot*nsblk_ds) signpol = 1 if 'AABB' in poltype: signpol = 2 for irow in range(nrows_tot): if apply_scales: offsets = self.fits['SUBINT']['DAT_OFFS'][irow+start_row] scales = self.fits['SUBINT']['DAT_SCL'][irow+start_row] scales = scales.reshape((npol,nchan)) offsets = offsets.reshape((npol,nchan)) if get_ft: t0_row = self.fits['SUBINT']['OFFS_SUB'][irow+start_row] \ - self.fits['SUBINT']['TSUBINT'][irow+start_row]/2.0 freqs_row = self.fits['SUBINT']['DAT_FREQ'][irow+start_row] dtmp = self.fits['SUBINT']['DATA'][irow+start_row] # Fix up the data type if (nbit==16): dtmp = numpy.fromstring(dtmp.tostring(),dtype=numpy.int16) dtmp = dtmp.reshape((nsblk,npol,nchan,1)) for isamp in range(nsblk_ds): for ipol in range(npol): if ipol<signpol: t = u_t else: t = s_t sampresult = dtmp[isamp*downsamp:(isamp+1)*downsamp, ipol,:,0].astype(t).mean(0) if get_ft: times[irow*nsblk_ds+isamp] = t0_row \ + (isamp+0.5)*tbin_ds if apply_scales: sampresult *= scales[ipol,:] sampresult += offsets[ipol,:] if fdownsamp==1: result[irow*nsblk_ds+isamp,ipol,:] = sampresult # Assumes freqs don't change: if get_ft: freqs[:] = freqs_row[:] else: result[irow*nsblk_ds+isamp,ipol,:] = \ sampresult.reshape((-1,fdownsamp)).mean(1) if get_ft: freqs[:] = freqs_row.reshape((-1,fdownsamp)).mean(1) if squeeze: result = result.squeeze() if get_ft: return (result, times, freqs) else: return result